Monday, March 15, 2010

How Google works

Google now explain there Business via These three videos in very nice manner . there are main three principles behind this is : Search ,apps , and Ads.
according to Google Search is our core part , apps is main umbrella over all the software and Ads is a central business proposition.

Now you can see how Search get works :
google Creats a Index of each web pages and manage them according to the category and evaluating that more than 200 Quality you can see google produces search in fraction of time,now you can think you fast there indexing is ?

How Google Apps get work:
till now google get introduces thousands of application or tools . all the application data is stores online, so its not specific to one can download that file anywhere on your mobile as well as on your pc too.

How Google search ads works :
when you do search with google web search , that time you can see ads are also showing according to there results and all . ads search result offering very useful information for commercial queries . look at the below videos on how it exactly works.

hope you like this videos , you can see it on

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Google Buzz Widget jQuery Plugin

hi , come up with new jquery feature with Google buzz , Google Buzz is a new way to discuss any ideas and new things which comes up inbuild in gmail now a days. so you will come to know how it is ?but if u want to develop this using jquery then surly this article will help you, you can design same buzz stream into your website.

Now google Buzz API provides buzz in Atom Format,but some policy need to be maintain under that. you cant grab all the data from another domain without JSONP. now in this case you can use the Google AJax feed api service and download the rss or the atom which will convert into
json compatible format.

something look like this way:

How to use :
<script type="text/javascript" src=""> </script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""> </script>

Here are the two Google Api for Jquery and for Google Buzz you can place this in < head > section

These are the Features :

  • You can Dispaly buzzes in fixed list or as you want

  • many css features like height, width , opacity and all

  • customize each link

  • you can disaply hole buzz in your page

yes one more thing , now the Google buzz is very new in and may be rules may get change later on also, so keep on updating
if you know anything new on this , plz post a comment so it will better to us or reader to know update part