mozilla developer has given a good link on ,how to create a DOm interface for table structure
sample example:
1. lets create a Table
<tr> <td> This is first td </td></tr>
<tr> <td> This is second td </td></tr>
<tr> <td> This is third td </td></tr>
2. now create a Dom inteface to read this table content , for that you can use Javascript to read this
<script >
function start() {
// get the reference for the body
var body = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];
// creates a <table> element and a <tbody> element
var tbl = document.createElement("table");
var tblBody = document.createElement("tbody");
// creating all cells
for (var j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
// creates a table row
var row = document.createElement("tr");
for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
// Create a <td> element and a text node, make the text
// node the contents of the <td>, and put the <td> at
// the end of the table row
var cell = document.createElement("td");
var cellText = document.createTextNode("cell is row "+j+", column "+i);
// add the row to the end of the table body
// put the <tbody> in the <table>
// appends <table> into <body>
// sets the border attribute of tbl to 2;
tbl.setAttribute("border", "2");
</script >
3. This javascript will first read the table tag element and search with tbody and tr then next td and retrive the content on same .
4. Remember this technique. You will use it frequently in programming for the W3C DOM. First, you create elements from the top down; then you attach the children to the parents from the bottom up.
5. Its create just like this way .
thank you very much for the instruction. you helped me a lot. i hope it will solve my problems.