Most of the time we required the delimited strings to be added in database. today i come up with some simple solution. which will read the string and specified delimited character and base on that it will divide the string and split it across.
(@String varchar(8000), @Delimiter varchar(10) )RETURNS @RESULTS TABLE (ID int identity(1,1), Val varchar(50))ASBEGINDECLARE @Value varchar(100)WHILE @String is not nullBEGINSELECT @Value=CASE WHEN PATINDEX('%'+@Delimiter+'%',@String) >0 THEN LEFT(@String,PATINDEX('%'+@Delimiter+'%',@String)-1) ELSE @String END, @String=CASE WHEN PATINDEX('%'+@Delimiter+'%',@String) >0 THEN SUBSTRING(@String,PATINDEX('%'+@Delimiter+'%',@String)+LEN(@Delimiter),LEN(@String)) ELSE NULL ENDINSERT INTO @RESULTS (Val)SELECT @ValueENDRETURNEND