Saturday, November 28, 2009

MozillaLabs Launches new projects on MozillaLab

mozilla now launches new terms just like "Googlelabs" its a "mozillalabs". its a just like a virtual lab where people can come on this share there ideas , there feedback and all to make mozilla very string form all the aspects. here you can make new Experiments and also play with the new technologies and new concepts.

as you all know mozilla allready have thousands of addons and so many sub products to make web browser better . and also make web better from end of user also. if you want to check all the such cool addon ans all refer this .
it also have lots of thems , plugins, tabs , web application & developments tools, language supporter terms , videos and many more.

now we come back to the actual point mozillalabs. now in mozilla labs there are some nice projects are there

1.TestSwarm: - its a new mozilla lab project that gives the developer an easy and quick test to there javascript code , firebug addon is also there but we need to add that manually , mozilla make browser its self javascript compatible , if you want to contribute with the project as a tester simple check the currentl the site is in alpha mode and addon on mozilla labs , This Project now support 7 operating system , window 2000 to OS x 10.5

if you want to use TestSwarm on your server download this from here

2. Mozilla weave : it get explore the blending of the desktop and the Web through deeper integration of the browser with online services.
it has some nice features just like
- AES Encryption , used to encrypt the date.
- PKI - public key infrastructure.
- Debugging tools

if you want to use this you can get it from here : Install Weave v0.1.28
but as i said its all are in labs so try it on your risk.

3. Test Pilot :
Test Pilot platform is opening with first Test Pilot add-on for Firefox 3.5. They are looking for Firefox users of all levels of skill and technical knowledge to help improve Firefox and Labs experiments.

4. Bespine
it Embedded on 0.5 in first release to come from Reboted codebase,why its better coz ones you are using this then there is no longer need or required o add any javascript to your page
except the Bespine itself. look at the below

<!DOCTYPE html>
<link href="BespinEmbedded.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet">
<script type="text/javascript" src="BespinEmbedded.js"></script>
.bespin { margin: 0; padding: 0; border: 0;
height: 300px; border: 10px solid #ddd;
-moz-border-radius: 10px;
-webkit-border-radius: 10px; }
<h1>Sample Editor as a Component</h1>
<div id="editor" class="bespin"
data-bespin-options='{ "stealFocus": true }'>
// The text of this div shows up in the editor.
var thisCode = "what shows up in the editor";
function editMe() {
alert("and have fun!");
window.onBespinLoad = function() {
console.log("this is called when Bespin is loaded");

with this you can go secure your application.
the page will give you the View something like this :

if you like this article please add some comments ,

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Single Sign-On for everyone SSO

Single Sign-On (SSO) is a very brand topic now a days. most of the application are running under different subdomain as well as different .net framworks which ones the user logs in it will stay logged still user switch to various web site or different domain. SSO will help you in this
case now lets see how how to build it.

- SSO for different domain.
suppose we have two different application - and now ones the user get login successfully we need to redirect that user to site for next process . in this case they cant share cookies and session . so for this case we need to create its own cookies and call it on other side to veridy its a right achieve this we need to create a special page (sso.aspx) on both the site m and check the cookies exits or not and flow the process.on sso.aspx page you need to do some code like this

void Page_Load()
UriBuilder uri = new UriBuilder(Request.UrlReferrer);
HttpCookie hcok = HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies[".BarAuth"];
if (hcok != null && hcok.HasKeys) //chk cookies exits
string cookie = HttpContext.Current.Server.UrlDecode(hcok.Value);

FormsAuthenticationTicket fatick = FormsAuthentication.Decrypt(cookie);

uri.Query = uri.Query + "&ssoauth=" + fatick.Name; //add login name in query.


now if authentication cookies are exits on, it will decrypt user name and pass name back to the ssoauth. on site we need to add some code on http request for processing pipeline, it will be Application_BeginRequest event or HttpHandler event.

if - authentication cookie exists on, continue processing the request
- uthentication cookie doesn’t exist, redirect to

- if applications run under different versions of .NET
its possible that foo and bar application are running on different version of .net .in such case above application will not work beacuase .net 2.0 encryption is different its AES. or in .net1.1 it was 3DES.on .net 2.0 new attribute get added for backwords application

< machineKey validationKey="F789KJSER82ERKJ4KJ23KH42KJH444JHG234K4KJB23"
decryptionKey="j234GF23HG2432347ASD7ASDHJA6ASD6HH27374743432" validation="SHA1" decryption="3DES" / >

you need to just set decryption="3DES" .to run old application.dont add this on web.config of .net 1.1 it will gives Error.

- mixed-mode authentication (Forms and windows)
long time back we dealt with only form authentication, but now we can user window authentication also. basically we use form auth for check the user form auth . if the user is reside in Intranet then we can use window auth on NT doamin,


in this we can also set Anonymouse access disable from IIS panel . now LOGON_USER contain NT domain name of the logges on Intranet, but all the other user (internet) get ready for window auth then we can check login via Form auth and if it get fail m move them to Window domain, you can also solve this problem by haveing a special entry page for Intranet users that has Integrate Windows Authentication enabled, validates the domain user, creates a Forms cookie and redirects to the main web site.

one more easy way is , if ananymous access is enable for web site, IIS get pass request through runtime process . if result is Error(404 - page not found) then IIS will attempt other method for that site. you just enable both the access for same look at below code

if(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.ServerVariables["LOGON_USER"] == "")
System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Response.StatusCode = 401;
// move to valid domain

in the above code , it will first check if the domain user get empty string .It will terminate the request and return the 401 IIS error , in this case if your is already logg in domian , the request will repeated .and if not then he will go through the window auth for upto 3 times , and still he can't pass that 3 attempt the he/she will ge the Error as 4.0 (which is Access Denied )

There are few more ways for SSO in .net application . its also possible to implement this process in Different platform aslo , actual idea will become same but may be implementation get change according to platform.

Thank you , if you like this plz add some comments.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Explore images with Google Image Swirl.

now google launched Image Search call " Google Image Swirl ".if you want to search for car you will get the all the images related with cars in but make your search Perfect with all the aspects google now use image swirl, now this is in Google lab.

when you search car section on image swirl you will get the array of images of various cars with different different models & different different variations. you click any one of that it will open all the cars related with same. now this is done on new computer vision research to cluster all the similar images on to this group to make your search better.

For Example : now you search with cars you will get the set of 12 images thumbnail of cars , like this

now ones you find any perticual car is you'r looking for click on that it will show you all the cluster images of that cars in one single circle. like this you can enhanse your search.

you can also explore your additional sub-groups with any cluster and make search this technology is develop for Picasa and Similar images.

Image Swirl is working for more than 200,000 Queries and now plan to include more in feature.they are using using auto-complete option when you start with search box just like Google lets try with Google Image Swirl today to make your search better,

happy googleing...

Monday, November 9, 2009

Top flickr tools

Flickr is one of the Social Photo Sharing site, where you can upload your photo , get the comments on photo, rate the photo , or also share your photo's with your friends. there are so many site just like Flickr but Flickr has very nice and atractive look and have some great features that can likes you.

Here are some Flickr tools to enhance you flickr Experience .
1 .Flickr Explorer
you have seen many flickr uploaders but photo downloader is less than that . So you can use this tool to download the photo from

This will helps you to compare two images , you need to only enter that keyword or tag and just check that images on flickr site.

SLiDR will allow you to easily embed with the classical slideshoe on your application , you just need to enter the url , photo or group that you want to embeded with some option , then you will get the help code of same,

From here you can upload more images on your site , it has some nice features ike Multi lingual , thumbnail preview , Adding multiple photos , Groups photos , EXIT reader , Tag Editor and so on , one better thing is it supports .Net Framework 2.0

5.CompFight -

Compfight its a new tool basically uses in Flickr’s API , To search the database of photos and then feeds back the results as live clickable thumbnails.

this tool is used to create comic strips using flickr, you just search for photos using tags or you can also search using username and get the right pic , now just drag the bubble on that pic or photos and enter the text what ever you want that text will get publish .

7.Flickr Logo Makr
You can desing you own logo using this cool tool. you can find same color font or style using on flickr.

it will allow you to browse the phpto in sidebar in FF(Firefox), that can makes managing your groups ,searching new tags ,keep the contacts easy , and many more.

Flishr is a primer application to Download,search and also for upload from one center to another that means one PC to another .it has some best features that can make you search better and easy to use , you need to search & downlod that pics from flickr or need to upload that pics in very fast maner, but one limitation is there with this you can use this application only on Windows only.

this is mini application, you can dispaly your pics from Flickr on your own site or blog for free of cost , download this Chasr and install it you own server , which will allow you to see your pics on your own site.

Monday, November 2, 2009

15+ Firefox addons for Developer and Designers

Addon's playing important role for web developer as well as for web desginer also , you can say its make your task easier. Firefox is one of the free and open source web browser and provides most comman features for web devloper and designer,
There are huge no of lists of addons or extensions . here i have mention some of them which are really useful for a developer as well as for designer.


Firebug is very commonly use addon , which can easily catch javascript , jquery error in live page , you can edit and also debug the live application using this cool addon

Web Developer

This addon very much useful for the again developer to test there live application in terms of html, css, dhtml , images and so on, ones you install this addon you can find that addon on new toolbar


its enable you to log to your Firebug console using php method call. its basically suit for the ajax development process.


ColorZilla will get you the color which is reading from mouse pointer , you just need to move your mouse on that location and you will get the color of same , you can also zoom that page you also measure the distance between the any two points . you can also save that selected color as a custom palettes


its a very common tool ones you hover on any element, it will display all CSS styles for that element.

Window Resizer

Resize your Browser to various size, basically its useful for testing the your application on various sceen , then you come to know you application is feet in current window or not , there are some resoultion : 64x480 , 800×600, 1024×768, 1280×800, 1280×1024, 1600×1200


its a cool addon , you can easily browse the photos and videos from web.

HTML Validator

displays the number of found errors of the site you are viewing. it will parse the html page and display the error.

URL Fixer

it corrents the typos in URL that enter in the address bar. for example if you type rediff.con instead if com it will automatically fix it and parse it and redirect to you on actaul site, Current version is support the .com,.net,.org.,,.mil and other TLD.


FEBE (Firefox Environment Backup Extension) allow you to quickly and easily backup your firefox. it will rebuild your extensions into .xpi files.


its allows you to analyze your http header , it will also help you to debug you web applicaiton ,you can also see what sort of server is using and also view cookies sent by the remote sites,


stumbleUpon is a social bookmarking sites , its useful to you to search the sites , this site derive a large no of visitors to your sites.

Font Finder

font finder tools helps you to find the font of highlighted text, you need to just select the text and right click to see all the styling get included on that text you can also view the Color, font-family and so on

CSS Validator

Validate your page using W3c css validator. just right click on page and select Validate CSS it will validate and parse your page and open result on new tab and show you error on same.

Autofill Forms

auto fill is one of the best option or addon, instaed of typing text again and again you just save that text on AutoFill Form and whenever you required you simply use that so it will get fill that field automatically , for example on , you need to enter id & password to access your account now instad of typing id & password daily you just save . and ones you open page click on AutoFill option . it will automatically get fill your id & password .

if u know more add in on a Comments .